Wednesday, September 9, 2009

7 Years!!! Already?

On September 7, 2002, Trent D. Clegg and Melanie D. Park were married. It was a short ceremony with close friends and family. When we were married we thought that life was going to be wonderful and happy and the honeymoon stage was never going to end. Wow... we were wrong! It ended all too soon... however, we worked through some really tough times. And here we are 7 years later and planning on making it a whole bunch of years more. We had a great anniversary. We had planned on going to Francis Days, but alot happened and it was a mess. But we ended up going to Heber and ate dinner and headed home. It was a good day all in all. When we got home, we were looking here on my laptop (which is where I put all of my pictures lately) and we couldn't find one picture of the two of us together. So we had a little photoshoot. Trent at first was not very impressed with this idea, but towards the end... he let loose and had alot of fun. He even took the camera and did some of the shots. By the end we were both laughing our heads off at the ridiculous pictures that we were taking. I had alot of fun.

I know that he probably won't read this, but I want him to know how very greatful I am for him. I am greatful for the good person that he is, his willingness to go and help my family whenever they ask, his ability to play trucks with my nephew and my cousins and just be a kid, for the father that he will be one day... but mostly for standing by me through everything. He is truly my best friend and I know that we will still have our ups and downs, but I love him more today than I did 7 years ago. Here is to many more years to come! I hope that we accomplish all of the things that we have set out to do.


Jack and Daynalee said...

These pics are SO cute! You guys are adorable. I love ya! So glad you guys had a good anniversary!

Kara said...

Oh how the time flies! Love the pics! Congrats on the big 7!!

Megan said...

You will be happy to know that your chances of divorce have now gone statistically much lower. Half of all marriages that end in divorce do so in the first seven years. Congratulations! Haha :)

jake and erin said...

Awww...How Sweet! Happy Anniversary!